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Home / News / Take part in "The Big Bathe"

Take part in "The Big Bathe"

Published 12:32 on 10 Aug 2023

The Hall family would like to invite all West Wittering Sailing Club members, along with their families and friends (and any keen swimmers they happen to know), to participate in the second annual charity swim, The Big Bathe, taking place on Sunday 10th September 2023 from 08.30am at West Wittering beach.

This year, all proceeds from the swim are in aid of Bowel Cancer UK and St. Wilfrid's Hospice.

The Big Bathe was Victoria Hall's idea. When she found out her cancer was terminal, she fought with all her strength to raise money and awareness so that other people could be spared and live better and happier lives. The inaugural Big Bathe, took place in July 2022 and raised more than £68,000 with many members of WWSC there on the day and contributing to its success.

Victoria sailed as a junior member at WWSC for many years and participated in Regatta week crewing for Valerie in her Laser 2K "Upbeat". Sadly, Victoria passed away in September 2022, aged 33 at St. Wilfrid's Hospice.

Her family and friends are organising another swim in her honour - to have fun and to help raise money and awareness for causes close to her heart.

There are a few options: a 750m or 1.5km swim. The 1.5km swim starts at 08.30am to catch high tide. For those looking to participate, you can join here. Alternatively, if you can't swim, or can't make it but would like to donate, the team fundraising page is here.

Bowel Cancer is the UK's second biggest cancer killer and is increasingly being diagnosed at an advanced stage at a young age. The good news is that if caught early, it can be treated.

We look forward to seeing you there! All swimmers and their families will be invited for refreshments in the car park cafe afterwards. For any further information or questions, please contact Valerie Hall (you can do this via the online Members' Directory or through the Club).

Thank you for your support.

Last updated 11:01 on 28 March 2024

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