Anchoring without hurting the seabed
Published 09:00 on 19 Apr 2024
Seagrass restoration is one of the priority areas for improving the environment in Chichester Harbour. Pressures impacting on seagrass come from a range of activities including dredging, anchoring and moorings and there are also a number of potential contaminants and environmental conditions that can affect the health of seagrass plants.
The Harbour Federation has asked WWSC to draw attention to a webinar being run by the RYA at 7.30pm on April 25 which will explain best practice on sustainable anchoring and mooring, and explain what is being done to restore seagrass around the UK.
You can book a free ticket to join the live webinar here or if you prefer view a recording of it at a later date by visiting the RYA's Green Blue website.
You can find out more about seagrass research here.
Last updated 09:37 on 19 April 2024