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Home / News / 2020 Boat Storage is changing
Home / News / 2020 Boat Storage is changing

2020 Boat Storage is changing

Published 09:41 on 13 Nov 2019

A our Commodore explained at the AGM, the growth in the number of sailors and boats over the past 2-3 years means the Club is running out of space to store them off the water. So the Committee has been thinking of ways to make the best use of the space we have - i.e. the chains on the Hard and the boat park section of the Club car park.

We have decided to make the following changes:

  • The "premium" and "tender" chain plaques system will remain in place as now. If you already have one of these, you will be offered the opportunity to renew it at the same time as you renew your Club membership. However, you can only do this if the plaque you had last year will remain linked to the same boat. If you want to switch it you must email the Club Secretary who will arrange the change.
  • The "standard" dinghy plaques will change and, if you held one or more of these in 2019, you will need to be issued with one of the new types of plaque. We plan to offer you the opportunity to accept one (or more) of these new plaques to replace your "old" ones at the time you renew your membership. As explained above, you will only be able to receive a replacement plaque in this way if it is going to remain linked to the same boat that your old plaque was issued to last year. If you need to have a plaque for a different boat, you must email the Club Secretary.

What is different about the new types of plaque?

The standard plaques we are replacing entitled a boat to be kept either in the car park or on the section of chains at the far (sluice-gate) end of the Hard - a section we are now calling the "Upper Chains". 5 new types of plaque will replace these "old" standard dinghy plaques:

  1. Upper chains plaques - which will be issued to Lasers, Picos and Toppers (or similar) entitling them to be kept with masts up secured to the chains between the sluice-gate at the end of the Hard and first set of steps up to the green as you walk back towards the access ramp
  2. Car park: Laser Zone plaques - which will be issued to Lasers entitling them to be kept with masts down in designated Laser areas of the car park
  3. Car park: Topper Zone plaques - which will be issued to Toppers entitling them to be kept with masts down in designated Topper areas of the car park
  4. Car park: SailQube/Oppie Zone plaques - which will be issued to SailQubes and Oppies entitling them to be kept with masts down in designated SailQube/Oppie areas of the car park
  5. Car park: Kayak rack plaques - which will be issued to kayaks/canoes entitling them to be kept in the Kayak Racks

We will post a chart showing how boats are to be arranged in the various car park zones and also mark the zones on the ground so far as possible. By grouping boats of the same design together rather than allowing them to be arranged randomly we should be able to fit more in to our limited space. We will rely on member co-operation to make this work!

The plaque number will indicate the type of plaque. So it is vital that you attach the right plaque to the right boat. If a boat does not have a plaque entitling it to be in the designated zone, we may require the member to remove it. Also, the plaque number must match the boat to which it was issued. Members who change boats and therefore require a different plaque or need an existing plaque to be transferred to a new boat must request his by emailing the Club Secretary.

Last updated 11:01 on 28 March 2024

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